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Sunday, April 10, 2022

Elliptable. A Table Composed of Ellipses.

Ellipses are simple to draw using most CAD software.  They are also fairly simple to cut out using a CNC.  I designed and made this table before I had a CNC I could use though. It evolved from an idea I had to invert a simple ellipse drawing jig.  To test the jig out I used it to swing the wood panels through a router bit on my router table in elliptical paths. Every ellipse in the design was cut with the same jig.   The legs have a slight rounded edge that echos the ellipse shape of the top above. 

Cherry hardwood

The top came from the center.

Ellipse Jig

The legs join together with dovetails. This design is a good example of detail continuity.

An Ellipse Drawing Jig

Comments welcomed and appreciated.


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